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New DSA guidelines for the protection of minors online

New DSA guidelines for the protection of minors online

Progress is being made on the work to strengthen the protection of minors on the internet at European level. The European Commission has launched a consultation to gather opinions on new guidelines relating to Article 28 of the Digital Services Act (DSA). Through ERGA (European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services), ALIA has actively contributed to this consultation.
The aim is to help regulators and online platforms ensure that children and teenagers are not exposed to harmful content, such as pornography and violence.
A key point for the European Commission is the establishment of harmonised standards for age verification. These standards will ensure that only users who have proven their age can access certain content. While supporting this proposal, ERGA emphasises the importance of relying on existing national laws, resulting from the transposition of the AVMS directive.
Finally, ERGA stresses that it is crucial that the available technical solutions be deployed quickly in order to effectively combat online dangers.


ERGA’s submission to the European Commission’s call for evidence concerning guidelines on article 28 DSA