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File a Complaint

File a Complaint

Who can file a complaint?

Any natural or legal person, residing or not in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, may file a complaint with the Authority.

What can be the subject of a complaint?

  • content of a specific programme element in case of violation of the provisions of the amended law of July 27, 1991 on electronic media
  • violation of the rules on commercial communications
  • violation of the provisions relating to the classification of films at the cinema as well as the mandatory publication of this classification
  • violation of the specifications underlying the political opinion polls or the restrictions governing their publication, dissemination and comments

How can I file a complaint?

The complaint must be submitted in writing and through one of the following channels:

To be eligible, the complaint:

  • must be written in French, German, Luxembourgish or English
  • must be filed within one year of the broadcast of the criticised programme element
  • must identify the complainant by including in particular their first and last name or name and address or the registered office, anonymous complaints cannot be considered
  • must identify the provider
  • must identify the targeted programme element (programme, date, time, description of the content)
  • must state at least briefly the criticisms.

Does filing a complaint with the Authority entail costs?

The filing and handling of complaints is free of charge.

How will my complaint be handled?

Each complaint is registered by the Authority and an acknowledgement of receipt is sent to the complainant.

If a complaint addressed to the Authority is deemed admissible, the Board sends the file to the Director for investigation. The procedure to be followed is defined in the internal procedures of the administration of the Autorité luxembourgeoise indépendante de l’audiovisuel.

Below, you will find a simplified illustration presenting the course of a complaint procedure.

    Complaint Form

    Please note that all fields on this form can be completed in French, German, Luxembourgish or English.

    * Fields marked with an asterisk must be completed for your request to be processed.

    Your Contact Information

    The fields specific to a legal person are now displayed. Please provide the company information.
    If you are filing a complaint on behalf of a legal person, we ask that you provide your full identity, explain your professional role and specify your power of representation. This information is essential to ensure the validity of your complaint and to enable it to be processed in accordance with legal requirements.
    The fields specific to a natural person are now displayed. Please provide your personal information.

    The data collected as part of the filing of a complaint with ALIA is essential for the processing of your application. It allows:

    • to verify the validity and origin of the complaint, in particular to avoid the risk of identity theft.
    • to contact the complainant to obtain any additional information that may be necessary.

    These data are only accessible to authorised ALIA representatives in the course of their duties and are necessary to enable your complaint to be processed in accordance with legal requirements. In some limited cases, they may also be passed on to legally authorised authorities.