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International cooperation

International cooperation

ALIA is actively involved in European and international cooperation. Thus, since its creation in 2014 it has been a member of several cooperation bodies.

European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA)

The European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services is an advisory body of the European Commission and brings together the regulatory authorities in the field of audiovisual media of the member states of the European Union. Created in 2014, ERGA’s mission is to advise and assist the European Commission on all issues relating to audiovisual media services and on the coherent implementation of the European regulatory framework in all member states of the European Union.

European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA)

The European Platform of Regulatory Authorities was created in 1995 to respond to the need for enhanced cooperation between regulatory authorities in Europe. It constitutes a network for the exchange of information and good practices and a forum for informal discussions between audiovisual regulators in Europe on topics of common interest.

The Network of French-speaking Media Regulatory Authorities (REFRAM)

The Network of French-speaking Media Regulatory Authorities was established in 2007 and includes members from Europe, Africa and North America. REFRAM’s vocation is to work for the consolidation of the rule of law, democracy and human rights.

Pan-European Game Information (PEGI)

The Pan-European Game Information, which was created in 2003, allows representatives of European member states to exchange on the evolutions and progress of their national legislations regarding the regulation of video games. The main purpose of PEGI is the establishment of a uniform and mandatory age classification of video games at European level for the protection of minors.