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Media and mental health

Media and mental health

Do the internet and Co. really affect our health?

This central question is at the heart of a joint project launched for the start of the 2024/25 school year in collaboration with the National Service of Juvenile Psychiatry (SNPJ), the Atert-Lycée Redange and ALIA.

The challenge? Studies have shown that excessive media consumption can be associated with mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. This phenomenon is particularly worrying among young people, who tend to use digital media more intensively. What are the underlying mechanisms? What is the relationship between media and mental health? And above all: how can it be remedied?

Pupils at the heart of the project: As part of the project, pupils in the 3GPS and 2CLDG classes, supervised by their teachers, will carry out a detailed analysis of their media consumption habits.

A multidisciplinary approach: In a subsequent phase, the results will be discussed in consultation with experts from the fields of media, law, health and psychotherapy. This multidisciplinary approach will provide a better understanding of the complex links between media consumption and mental health.

A debate open to all: By way of conclusion, Atert-Lycée will organise a public round table discussion which will provide an opportunity to exchange views on concrete ways of protecting and promoting the mental health of young people in the digital age, in the presence of experts, political representatives and anyone else interested.

Don’t miss the additional information that will be communicated soon.