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Publication of the report on the legislative elections of 8 October 2023

Publication of the report on the legislative elections of 8 October 2023

ALIA presents its new report as part of its mission to monitor media election campaigns

Is it appropriate to limit the ALIA’s supervisory role to the official campaign phase and to reduce it to the supervision of media with a public service mission? Does the current development of party campaigns on the Internet not jeopardise the principle of fairness in party representation during the pre-election phase? Is respect for balanced gender representation ensured in pre-election broadcasts? Are the electoral agreements for aspects that do not fall within the competence of the ALIA appropriate for delimiting the framework of action of the political parties?

These are the questions addressed in the new ALIA report. The production of such a report is part of the Authority’s mission, as defined by the law of 22 July 2022[1].

Within the framework defined by the legal mission granted to ALIA, this report mainly examines the round tables and election adverts broadcast by media outlets with a public service mission in accordance with Article 35, paragraph 2, letter m) of the amended law of 27 July 1991 on electronic media. It goes beyond the strictly legal framework in that it analyses the presence of political parties in other media and on social networks. Although the election campaign period has been extended from 4 September to 7 October 2023, the report also looks at key events preceding and following this official campaign period.

In addition to extending the monitoring period to the pre-campaign and standby period, the ALIA is in favour of extending monitoring to other types of media, such as social networks, an advertising medium increasingly used by parties. This observation also raises the question of labelling political advertisements.

To find out more about the media election campaign for the 2023 legislative elections, please consult the full report opposite.

[1] Law of 22 July 2022 amending: 1° the amended electoral law of 18 February 2003; 2° the amended law of 27 July 1991 on the electronic media.

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Rapport sur la campagne électorale médiatique des élections législatives du 8 octobre 2023 (French only)